

We are in spring. Primary 1st children know it so they decided to do some tulips but in a special way. They did them with plastic forks and tempera paints. Look at the colours,I love them!

Estamos en primavera. Os nenos e nenas de 1º de primaria sábeno e por iso decidiron facer uns tulipáns pero dun modo un pouco especial. Fixéronnos con garfos de plástico e con témperas. Mirade as cores, encántanme!



Primary 1st children were working with newspapers. They drew and coloured on the newspaper and then cut their drawings to do different pictures. It's amazing, isn't it?

Os nenos e nenas de 1º estiveron traballando con xornais. Debuxaban e coloreaban nos xornais, despois recortaban os seus debuxos para facer distintas composicións. É sorprendente, verdade?



We like recycling! Primary 1st and 3rd children participated in the A.M.A. recycling contest this year too. Look at the photos and you can see they worked very hard. Congratulations everyone! You are great artists!!!

Encántanos reciclar! Os nenos e nenas de 1º e de 3º de primaria participaron este ano tamén no concurso de reciclado de A.M.A. Mirade as fotos e podedes ver que traballaron moito. Noraboa a todos/as! Sodes grandes artistas!!!